Sunday, November 29, 2009

Snowy Sunday

Yesterday it snowed about 3 inches worth. The night and early morning were above freezing point so the snow had started to melt some by the time it had warmed up enough for us to take Owen out playing in it mid-afternoon today. It sure was pretty outside; it was quite mild and the sun was shining brightly in cloudless blue skies... I love the snow when the weather is like this. Fortunately, Owen has the best snow gear out the 3 of us so he was kept snuggly warm and dry while he sledded and threw snowballs. Alfredo & I sure were given our afternoon exercise running round the field and up and down the hill with him on his sled! It was fun to see Owen have so much fun though and I thought I'd share some of these pictures with you.

1 comment:

  1. Owen has the best smile in the world! I love the one where he is thowing snow at the camera , cute !
    I usually read your post from google reader, Today I came to your blog and let me tell you I love your selection of song (thumbs up ) xo Monica


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